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I’m Cecilia G. Ward (she/they). I finished my Master’s in Applied History and New Media Technology at George Mason University. I was also a Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media Affiliate and Digital History Research Assistant on the NSF-funded Death by Numbers project. My B.A. is in History and Classical Studies from Virginia Wesleyan University. My research interests are interactivity, educational games, Early Modern England, and anything macabre.

I have had numerous experiences working and interning in public history with Norfolk Tour Company, Preservation Virginia, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. I am now working with the Diocese of Richmond at Catholic High School as the School Librarian. I am passionate about infusing academia with interactivity and interesting media and technology and is excited to help guide new generations of young adults with their educational skills.

This blog and portfolio was intended to discuss my coursework in Digital Public Humanities, as well as expand on my own interests in DPH. While my coursework is completed, I intend to keep this website updated as a digital archives of my digital projects which require a website to host them.

To contact me, please email me at: cward25@gmu.edu

