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Gods, Nike, Pot, Dead

While learning about text-mining and text-visualization this week, I wanted to mess around with VoyantTools and I uploaded the body text from one of my undergraduate theses. I thought it was fun to look at, so I’m including the data here.

A static image of a voyant text visualization of a paper about greek mythology, pottery, and mourning.

(Click Here to View the Interactive Map)

The above shows a Cirrus (Data-Cloud) version of the data. The words that appear largest are the words that appear most frequently in the plain text. If you’re wondering, the title of the post comes from the four most common words: Gods, Nike, Pot, Dead.

This is a static image showing a graph of the most commonly used words in my essay on Ancient Greek mythology, pottery, and mourning.

(Click Here to View the Interactive Map)

The above shows a Bar/Line graph, which can also be changed to other types of graphs on the interactive map. In the interactive version, you can also isolate single words, so they are the only word present on the graph.

Voyant is a tool where you can upload text from documents to see the text visualized in a bunch of different ways, including the cirrus and bar/line graphs pictured above. There’s other ways of using the program that include being able to highlight when words appear in the text, compare common phrases from multiple documents, and more.

This program, while very satisfying to look at is more complicated for me personally to use. While I know some of the basics, I think I’m going to need more practice before I actually become proficient using it.

If you wish to read the full version of the paper featured (though you may already be able to tell what it’s about) it’s listed on the tab labeled writing samples on the blog’s main page directory.

(Last Updated 10/11/2022)

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